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Retirement Means More Painting!

I have recently retired from my full time job! It was a good run, however I am excited to be moving on to the next chapter in my life. I will finally have a more unhurried approach to my painting- no longer having to fit it into a weekend chore. I even joined the Jacksonville Watercolor Society, which I have been wanting to do since we moved here, and I hope to find even more art opportunities as things progress.
I even had zero guilt today when a painting I had started turned out to be not at all how I had envisioned it and I could very calmly put it aside, knowing I now have plenty of time to start over or simply move on to something new.
My last post until this one has been a solid year. I must have done some art in all that time! I will look through the archives and see what else I can post.
The painting above is a recent one from our travels a few years ago- a seatmate on our train traveling from Bangkok to Ayutthaya, Thailand.


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